Diary / Wellness / Sep 26, 2022

Dr. Amy Shah: "My Biggest Struggle is Wanting to Do It All"

Written by: Alexandra Perron, Managing Editor

Photography by: Griffith Imaging

Dr. Amy Shah has been a part of our justBobbi family from day one. She’s talked to us about gut health and fasting, shared her best anti-aging tips and helped us recover from a holiday binge. She was also tapped by Bobbi to help develop the first collection of products for EVOLUTION_18.

We caught up with her to hear more about her wellness journey and learn about the routines and products that she relies on every day. Here’s what she had to say...

How did you first get into wellness and nutrition? Tell us about your journey…

I got into it when I was a kid. Seeing my family get diagnosed with diabetes, one by one, was an eye opener. And like a curse, each one of my family members died of this horrible disease. I became fascinated by how food affects the body and decided to pursue nutrition in college and then go to medical school.

Soon after becoming a partner in a great medical practice, I realized I was doing nothing really to prevent disease. That's when I really started to think about teaching nutrition and wellness. Long story short, here I am.

A lot of your work focuses on gut health and inflammation — why do you think this is an often overlooked aspect of our health?

This is an area well described in Ayurveda and Chinese medicine, but left out of modern medicine. The connection is real and we are just getting to know more and more. In traditional Western medicine, we tend not to talk about it or address it much. This is why I started to do my wellness social media (@fastingmd), to teach about it.

Ah-ha! Moment:

I had a car accident and It was such a wake up call for me. Life is short. We have to love how we feel and our purpose towards others.

Current Mission:

Working on how us as women can upgrade ourselves so we can upgrade the others around us and the world.

Wellness Mantra:

The goal is peace and happiness — with your mind, body and the people around you.

Morning Routine:

I wake up, get some sunlight (even just one minute), workout and if possible, take a moment to show gratitude. Skin care for me is cleansing, applying a vitamin C serum and sunblock. I usually do a fasted workout when possible.

Bedtime Routine:

I fast before bed, at least 2-3 hours. I call it “circadian gut rest.” Then I dim the lights and put phone away 30 minutes before going to bed, though I’m not always successful!

My Fuel:

  • Vitamin D
  • Nuts and berries to break my fast every day
  • I love crunchy, so nuts or nut butter are my go-to
  • EVOLUTION_18 Afternoon Chocolate, for when I need a pick-me-up

Your Biggest Wellness Struggle:

My biggest struggle is wanting to do it all. I sometimes work out too hard, too fast, too aggressively. If some is good, I think more is better. I want to get an A-plus, but the body doesn't work like that. For every push you need a rest. You can’t just do stressor after stressor, you’ll end up with hormone imbalance.

Intermittent fasting, exercise, diet all can give your body a little bit of a stressor, but that’s a good thing. It’s a process called hormesis.Think of yourself doing an exercise that fatigues and damages your muscle a little bit. But then your body goes in and repairs that muscle and you get stronger.

Intermittent fasting and high intensity cardio etc. are hormetic stressors. If you are doing both of those things, plus not sleeping or living a very stressful life without any reprieve, you are not going to get the benefits. In order for hormesis to work, you must counter the stressful activity with rest and repair time.

Self-Care Essentials:

I must have two minutes every morning to myself. I must workout every day. I do yoga to clear my head four times a week and spend time in nature time daily, or at least five times a week.

Product Obsessions:

Best Advice You Ever Received:

You control your reaction. You cannot control anything else.

Most Common Question You Get Asked:

The most common question I get is: why am I so tired. “Why Am I So Effing Tired” is actually the name of my upcoming book!

What Makes You Feel Your Best:

A good night’s sleep and a good session with a friend.

One Thing Someone Can Do Every Day That Actually Makes a Difference:

Spend time in the sunlight or in nature for a few minutes every day.

Diary / Wellness / Sep 26, 2022

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